Do you want a slice of super delicious german Marmor Cake? It is very moist and fluffy. Tastes best warm and fresh out of the oven. Just a hand full of basic ingredients are required. Simple pound cake!😋
Find more classic german cakes: Streusel Cake, Mole Cake, Ant Cake.
Beat the butter, sugar and vanilla sugar until lightly creamy. Mix in the eggs on by one. Then add the flour and baking powder and mix, add the dry ingredients step by step as well as the milk. Grease a bundt pan with butter and add 2 thirds of the light batter in to it.
The remaining third is mixed with the cocoa and a sip of milk or water. Then add the chocolate batter into the mold. Mix everything well with a fork. (click this link to get to the video to get the perfect swirl.) Bake at 180 degrees with air circulation for about 45 to 50 minutes. Let cool off and enjoy...
Do you like to make a loaf cake? No problem just take half of all the ingredients. For more variations: Add cocoa to the entire dough, so you get a pure chocolate cake. (Note that you will require more cocoa than written in the recipe.) Tastes also very good. If you like you can also add some cinnamon or coffee to your batter.